Professional Learning - Online Courses & Training


A number of options for online learning from Bridges and Partners 


educATe Online Courses 

Do you have a student or child that uses Assistive Technology? 

Learn how you can help them to use their tech tools to best support their reading and writing with Bridges' Online Courses for Educators and Parents. 


Keys to Literacy Online Courses 

Keys to Literacy online courses give you the tools to provide effective literacy instruction!

Quality, research-based professional development helps educators make the most of technology tools to support reading and writing instruction and student learning. Keys to Literacy’s online training courses provide foundational knowledge for effectively teaching comprehension, vocabulary, and writing in all subject areas, across all grades.

Each course is organized into modules that include interactive activities, readings, video clips from live training, and “use your content” activities that allow users to generate lessons using their own content curriculum materials. Suggestions for differentiation and scaffold to support struggling readers and writers are included.


Professional Learning - Online Courses & Training

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