Bridges Announces New Low Cost Eye Gaze Systems


Bridges, the Canadian source for eye gaze technology, is pleased to announce the arrival of the portable, affordable eye gaze systems, The Key and The Comm.

Both the Key and the Comm are powered by a full Windows 8 tablet and USB connected eye gaze system.  

The Key is designed for affordable alternative access while the Comm is an eye controlled face-to-face communication tool.

Less than 2 years ago, a price of around $20,000 was the norm for an eye gaze powered communication system. But new USB connected eye gaze cameras deliver efficient, natural, direct access at an affordable price. They offer new opportunities for individuals with debilitating physical access challenges caused by such conditions as:  Motor-Neuron diseases (MND), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also called Lou Gehrig’s disease) quadriplegia, quadriparesis, cerebral palsy and others

Open the world with the Key

 Bridges Key


Bridges Key eye gaze system

The Key is a pure access tool.  With the Key's eye gaze camera, portable tablet, and desktop control software, an individual can browse the internet, shop, read, watch movies, listen to music and more for less than $6000. For an individual who is a cognitively intact, verbal communicator but for whom a mouse or keyboard just isn’t a useable access method, the Key can unlock a world of opportunities through the power of a PC and the intuitive direct access of eye gaze.

Communicate with the Comm

Bridges Comm

Comm eye gaze powered AAC by Bridges

Powered by the Grid, the Comm is a complete communication system accessed through eye gaze for less than $7000.  But it includes all the access capabilities of the Key as well:  shopping, email, browsing, reading, watching movies, listening to music etc. etc.

We were surprised by the volume and clarity of the tablet’s speaker system: it is more than sufficient for most face-to-face communication scenarios. But simply by adding an optional external Bluetooth speaker you can be heard in noisy environments.

Modular, scalable – change as your needs change

Because of the Key and the Comm's modular design they are uniquely scale-able.  If the individual loses his/her ability to speak, you can install AAC software (eg. the Grid) to the Key;  if your computer needs change (a larger screen, environmental control, etc.) then you can power-up your system without having to change the eye gaze camera, the most expensive and advanced component.  Sourcing our tablets from Dell means service and support is easy and efficient, anywhere in Canada.

Start & go support

Communication and access screens in the Grid 2.

Communication and access screens in the Grid 2.

Both the Key and the Comm systems come with initial set-up guided by a free personal web meeting with one of our technology specialists. But you can upgrade to other support options including free remote internet support, additional consultation sessions including communication board set up, mounting, positioning advice, email set-up in the Grid and more.

To learn more, contact Bridges.

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  • Bogdan Pospielovsky
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