Home / Remote Training Support
Train your child on specific technology within a context of effective learning strategies. It’s not just about learning how to use the tech -- but using the tech to learn.
Train parents and caregivers on how to support their child with the tech and how teach with tech too.
Create a plan for your complex needs child with your available resources to keep them learning while at home.
We can work with a school district, be engaged directly by a family or work with a group or “pod” of parents creating a team to share supports with multiple students.
Many of Bridges’ experienced instructors are parents of children with needs too.
We get it. We listen. We’ll craft a solution that makes sense for you.
From specialized curriculum for students with complex needs to reading/writing software for struggling students
From EyeLearn, eye gaze technology, to connecting switches to cloud based early learning software
From Reading Pens to braille printers and digital magnifiers and other assistive technology hardware
Synchronous, asynchronous instruction or a combination. Plus we have libraries of videos in online portals, even readymade courses for popular apps -- Clicker, Boardmaker Studio, TextHelp and more.
Orienting yourself in the latest features in an upgrade
Customizing and building functionality for home, school or work
Setting-up communication apps and hardware on computers or iPads to turn them into effective augmentative communication technology. These services are being delivered right now to several organizations across the country including AADL (Alberta Aids for Daily Living)
Accessing our online portals with exclusive content - videos and more -- for parents, caregivers and clinicians