NEW: Extract highlights, Write and more in K3000+FIREFLY!

NEW: Extract highlights, Write and more in K3000+FIREFLY!

It has been a busy summer for the Kurzweil 3000 development team. During this past scorching season, the web version of FIREFLY has served up new reading and writing features as welcome as an iced tea on a cottage porch.

With a web license, FIREFLY gives you access to Kurzweil books and pdf’s through the web browser on any computer: Windows, Mac and Chromebook. There’s even a direct shortcut to your Google Drive if you’re into GAFE (Google Apps for Education).

Here’s a roundup of the latest features in FIREFLY.

Previously you could highlight text and make notes while in FIREFLY.


Kurzweil 3000 firefly highlighters k3000

But now you can extract those highlights and notes to a separate document. Just like you can in the desktop version of Kurzweil 3000.

Kurzweil 3000 firefly extract highlights and notes k3000

Did he just say a “separate document”?


The latest version lets you create a writing document in FIREFLY. Quick tip: the “New Draft” button will be grayed out until you open a file folder in the Universal Library. Makes sense. FIREFLY has to know where that document will live before it is created, that way no changes can be lost.

Kurzweil 3000 firefly create new document writing path k3000

When you extract, you go to a new window that you can write in with supports like dictionary, translation and text to speech.

Kurzweil 3000 firefly writing window dictionary k3000
There’s even word prediction support in the new K3000+ FIREFLY.

Kurzweil 3000 firefly word prediction writing k3000

Extraction can be formatted the way you like it.

Kurzweil 3000 firefly extract formatting highlights notes k3000

So now you can not only read in FIREFLY but get started with your writing from research.

And don’t forget with FIREFLY you can pull directly from your Google Drive and work in your web browser. That means real reading and writing access in Chromebook or a GAFE environment.

Remember, FIREFLY is only available with a Kurzweil web license.

To learn more, contact Bridges. And keep an eye out for our upcoming webinars, too.

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  • Bogdan Pospielovsky
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