Can you imagine how much greater your anxiety and frustration would be if you could not talk about the COVID-19 pandemic?
Whether for physical, emotional or mental health, being able to dialogue about this critical issue is essential to all of us getting through it.
So providing AAC users with access to the language they need to communicate about the crisis is also critical.
In the coming days, over a series of posts, we’ll be highlighting a number of strategies and AAC tools from our developer partners that addresses this need.
Smartbox, makers of industry standard Grid 3 communication software and GridPad AAC devices have just introduced new free grids to support communication on the subject of the COVID pandemic.
These Coronavirus topic grids were created using the Super Core 30 and Super Core 50 topic grid templates. Built using the same styling as Super Core, there is also space to personalize the grids and add more words.
You can add the Coronavirus grid into your Super Core grid set. Here’s a quick video to show you how:
Here’s a quick video to show you how to add the coronavirus grids.
For more information on how to get coronavirus Grid sets CLICK HERE or copy/paste the link below into your browser.
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