
Communication aids and tools, including high tech devices, iPad accessories, printed communication boards, and more. 


AAC/Speech Generating Devices 

Simple single button devices play recorded messages.  Reliable, rugged they can be used for signalling and essential messages. 

Big Step by Step


Communication Books and Boards

Communication Books and Boards are a low tech and easy way that communicate for either specific situations -- such as the pre-made Widgit books -- or as an inexpensive way to communicate.

Widgit Health First Response Communication Book



High Tech Dynamic Devices

See our collection of hi-tech communication aids for dynamic display, computer driven speech generating aids. With computers at their heart, these devices can be adapted for a wide range of users, from early communicators relying on large images and only a few specific choices on each screen to literate practiced AAC users; from symbol based systems, to letter based writing to combinations of both.

link to bridges hitech aac communication collection




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