Widgit Health

Widgit Health

Whether in an emergency or during a routine procedure, a medical mis-communication can cause critical delays or potentially dangerous misunderstandings.

How they are used

By pointing to the appropriate symbol the caregiver or responder can enhance, clarify or explain a question or explain what is going to happen-essential for reducing anxiety and improving health outcomes.

For the patient who cannot use verbal communication, they can describe, rate and pinpoint pain on a body diagram, explain other symptoms, communicate needs, wants, allergies and other warnings.

By pointing to the appropriate symbol the caregiver or responder can enhance, clarify or explain a question or explain what is going to happen-essential for reducing anxiety and improving health outcomes.


Who can Benefit from Widgit Health?
  • Any Organization that works with the publics hould have accessible communication materials for emergency situations.
  • Any trained first aide or emergency worker.
  • Organization that work with children or students who don't have the necessary vocabulary to explain their medical needs.
  • Organizations that work with individuals who have a learning disability such as Autism, Down's Syndrome and Dyslexia. Symbols are an excellent communication information tool.
  • Organizations that works with individuals who English is a second language and who may not be able to communicate fluently.
  • If a person cannot hear or speak as a result of an accident.
  • For people who are travelling to a foreign country.
  • The elderly who are particularly vulnerable as they may depend more on medication and suffer injuries.
  • Individuals who have suffered a stroke may find it easier to us symbols when communicating in an emergency situation.