Bridges News — Events

Coding, UDL in Play:  Bridges Presents 3 sessions at ISTE 2021!

Coding, UDL in Play: Bridges Presents 3 sessions at ISTE 2021! 0

We’re excited to announce that Bridges, has again been invited to present at the biggest education technology conference in North America -- ISTE Live 2021. This is the 4th year we’ve been invited to lead presentations at this prestigious conference and this year we’re doing 3! Details for each session are below.

6 + 1 Super Cool AT stories from 2016 ATIA conference 0

This year's Assistive Technology Industry Association's conference in Orlando turned out to be a really exciting few days. We got to attend sessions, meet with our manufacturing partners and prowl the massive exhibit hall hunting for cool stuff.

This year, the weather was unseasonably hot outside (peaking at 27C. Most years, the weather is more like Vancouver in November, than Toronto in June) and freezing in the halls with the air conditioning on max.

Despite the contradictory conditions we layered-up and tracked down what we think are the neatest AT developments at this year's ATIA. Here they are.
October is AAC Awareness Month

October is AAC Awareness Month 0

October is AAC awareness month! So Bridges will be providing resources, tips, and news, as well as making some new product announcements related to AAC devices.

Look out for these AAC related happenings in October.

What we’ve learned at Bridges LIVE this year! 0

1) Multi-platform is the new eco system

At BridgesLIVE events we've seen BYOD in action. From iPads, to Surface tablets (actually a lot more than I expected, several per each BLive), from wheezy but still chugging XP laptops, to Macs and Windows, 7, 8 and even an Android tablet and Chromebook or two. Two years ago people brought their own iPads. Now folks bring a laptop, a tablet and a phone all running different OS’s. I had a few people who brought both a Windows laptop and a iPad or Chromebook -- each attendee is their own tech eco-system.