Bridges News — Math

Restore Math Learning with Specially Priced Curriculum Packages

Restore Math Learning with Specially Priced Curriculum Packages 0

Math is an essential life skill. And after many months of disrupted learning, teachers of students with complex needs are finding that foundational knowledge and skills need to be refreshed and restored.

Re-engage students with math instruction that’s age-respectful, interesting and fun.

Act now and get Equals Mathematics or Debug’d Coding BEFORE December 15th and get the training you need for immediate implementation and results for savings from 22-37%. 

Brandon Readtopia implementation

Brandon Readtopia implementation 0

In 2019, supported by Bridges Professional Learning, 10 classes in Brandon Manitoba consisting of teams of 4 teachers each, implemented curricula for student with complex learning needs (i.e. AAC users, cognitive, sensory challenges, physical disabilities):

  • Readtopia, the comprehensive experiential instructional reading program.
  • Equals math curriculum that connects functional math to abstract ideas.
  • First Author comprehensive writing curriculum that teaches how to write and measures writing progress (introduced this year)


So far, despite the pandemic, the Brandon curriculum project has been a wonderful experience and a great success
COVID Update: Special offers for HKL, CM3 and more from Inclusive IT

COVID Update: Special offers for HKL, CM3 and more from Inclusive IT 0

New home licenses, extended free trial versions and free iPad apps from HelpKidzLearn. Including ChooseIt Maker 3, Attention and Looking and others, ade for switch, touch and even eye gaze access these tools and apps are available for parents to use at home during the COVID crisis period and beyond.

FREE webinars on Gizmos and Reflex Math – exploring prevalent topics in Math and Science education

FREE webinars on Gizmos and Reflex Math – exploring prevalent topics in Math and Science education 0

Explore Learning has put together a series of complimentary webinars to explore a range of prevailing topics in Math and Science education and discuss why Gizmos and Reflex Math are the perfect tools to help you bring effective instruction to your classrooms.

You can register to any and all webinars by following the links below to the registration forms. If the times offered are not convenient, please register anyway and you will receive a recorded version of the webinars once they become available.