Professional Development/Training

Bridges to Learning 2010... Wow!

Thanks to everyone who made this year's Bridges to Learning conference such a success. Mark your calendar for 2011 -- May 12, 13, 14th. Thanks to everyone who helped make it a success! There were presenters and attendees from every region of Canada. Particularly educational and inspiring were our student presenters and volunteers. Thanks to the families who shared with us their personal experiences with technology in their schools. Over a thousand users chose to live stream presentations from the Yukon to Newfoundland. We've heard from many of you that you watched the presentations with larger groups. If you'd like to share your experiences or comments about the live streaming please contact Bridges or a leave a comment. A special thanks to the students and faculty of the Fanshawe College media program who were responsible for the video and sound for the live stream.

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